"Thanx a lot ..for postin this list.... made me laugh ....Hilarious..."

"Loved the list dude... But sorry cant choose... too difficult.. Thanx anyway for the idea n posting these lists i appreciate your effort cheers.... "

"1.Inglorious Bastards 2.Pulp Fiction 3.Reservoir Dogs"

"1.Big Fish 2.Sleepy Hollow 3.Charlie and the chocolate factory"

"1.Catch me if u can;The Terminal 2.Minority report;War horse 3.Jurassic Park"

"Good list Bud great Compilation and u hav a good taste!!! "

"i loved troy bt Dude Bruno Sucks BiG TiMe"

"i would agree on many Kristen stewart will farell Bt i think u shud rethink ur comments abt clint eastwood....."

"Catch me if u can???????????? The beach ??????"

"it was pleasure and informative going through this list Thanx for such an incredible list and good work"

"ma vote for posting bradd pitts rockin image Grt work on the list dear"

"Brilliant work dude great comments Thanks for a great list"

"consider orphan movie Isabelle Fuhrman Aryana Engineer and Jimmy Bennett Belive me these three guys were brilliant in the cinema orphan"

"consider anthony hopkins for Red Dragon also Bradd pitt for fight club,,curious case of benjamin button"

"Fight club,,Troy,,Spy game,,Se7en are brilliant cinema man!!!"

"yeah it exist but the real story was not as the cinema the killings were all done by shooting"